Privacy policy for our app that does not collect data

Thank you for using our app! This privacy policy describes how we handle your personal data. Although our app does not collect any personal data, it is still important to be transparent and explain how we protect your privacy.

1. introduction

Our app does not collect any personal information from users. We do not collect names, addresses, phone numbers or other personal data.

2. what data we do not collect

Any data that our app may collect (e.g. game scores or settings) is stored only on the user's device. We do not transfer any data to external servers or third parties.

3. data storage

As we do not collect any personal data, we also do not use cookies or tracking technologies.

4. Use of cookies and tracking technologies

As we do not collect any personal data, we also do not use cookies or tracking technologies.

5. third-party services

Our app does not use any third-party services that collect personal data. We have no integrations with social networks, analytics tools or advertising networks.

6. rights of the users

Although we do not collect any personal data, we respect your rights. If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or wish to exercise your rights, please contact us via the support email address provided in the app.

7. Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. We will inform you of any significant changes in the app.

Thank you for using our app! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.